ATM transferATM transfer

Bring your financial card to any ATM transfer machine, enter the DV transfer account number and other information below, press transfer after confirmation, and the money can be remitted.
After remittance, please remember to return the photo of the receipt or the last five digits of the transfer so that DV can confirm the payment.

Account Cathay United Bank (013)
Account number 070-03-501399-5
Account name 迪威運動股份有限公司
The branch 二重


  • You need to hold a debit card and confirm that the amount is sufficient.
  • Please remember to bring the DV-related transfer information before making the transfer.
  • Remittance after confirming the account number again and again to avoid remittance to the wrong account number. If this happens, please seek assistance from the bank specialist.

Store paymentStore payment

Pay at the store of DV Xinzhuang, the store information is as follows

週一至週五 10:00~20:00

PaypalPaypalPlease use Paypal in Hong Kong and Macau

If you are in Hong Kong and Macau and are interested in DV products


  • This payment method is SF Express, and the shipping fee will not be included in the quotation. After the goods are delivered to your designated address, SF Express will charge you directly.
  • 順豐運費即時查詢: