
Welcome to the official website of "DA VILLAGE | Custom Team Jersey Customization" (hereinafter referred to as "this platform"). DAVILLAGE attaches great importance to the privacy rights of users of this platform and complies with the provisions of the "Personal Data Protection Act" to ensure that you can use the various services and information of this platform with peace of mind. Therefore, we would like to explain the privacy protection policy of this platform to you. You can refer to the following privacy protection policy:

一、Scope of Privacy Protection Policy

The content of the privacy protection policy includes how this platform handles the personal identifiable information collected when you use the website services. The privacy protection policy does not apply to other websites linked to this platform or to personnel not commissioned or involved in the management of this platform.

二、Personal Data Security

Protecting the personal privacy of users of this platform is an important principle of this platform's operation. Without the consent of users, we will never provide users' personal data to any third party unrelated to the services of this platform.

三、Data Collection Subject

DeeWei Sports Co., Ltd.

The personal data collected by DAVILLAGE on the platform includes:

C001: Personal identification information, such as the user's name, address, mobile phone number, home phone number, communication and registered address, photos, email address, account information (number and registration data), nickname, records of providing online identity verification or query services, and any other personally identifiable information. C002: Financial identification information, such as the account number and name of the financial institution. C011: Personal description, such as gender and date of birth.

四、Data Collection and Use

When browsing or using the platform services, the server will automatically record relevant behaviors, including the IP address of the connecting device, usage time, browser used, browsing and clicking data records, webpage browsing history, mobile phone model, mobile phone-related information, cookies, etc. It will also collect a wide range of personal data for analyzing the platform's traffic and understanding the needs of platform visitors, continuously improving our platform services. This record is for internal use and will not be disclosed externally. The personal data obtained by this platform is only used for internal purposes, as originally stated, and within the scope and purpose specified in this privacy policy, unless otherwise stated or required by relevant laws and regulations. This platform collects your personal data for the purpose of verifying identity, establishing your platform user or member profile, and providing the services you requested. The specific purposes are as follows: [list of purposes].

  1. 用於物品寄送:於寄交相關商品時將您的個人資料利用於交付給相關物流或郵寄廠商以便完成物品的寄送。
  2. 用於金融交易及授權:您所提供之財務相關資訊,將於金融交易過程(如信用卡授權、轉帳)時提交給金融機構以完成金融交易。如交易爭議發生時,將揭露您的連絡資料及交易相關資料予為完成平台提供之各項交易服務之合作金融機構或交易代收代付業者(如揭露連絡電話確認消費事實)。
  3. 宣傳廣告或行銷:提供您各種平台使用者或會員條款、平台使用者或會員各種電子雜誌等資訊、公告等資訊,透過電子郵件、電話、寄發DM、簡訊、EDM等方式提供與本平台服務有關之資訊及合作廠商最新合作活動通知(如本平台提供之新服務、活動宣傳,或最新資訊、改版、活動資訊,或與其他廠商最新資訊及活動等)。將平台使用者或會員所瀏覽之內容或廣告,依客戶之個人屬性或紀錄、本平台之瀏覽紀錄等項目,進行個人化作業、平台使用者或會員使用服務之分析、新服務之開發或既有服務之改善等。針對民調、活動、留言版等之意見,或其他服務關連事項,與平台使用者或會員進行聯繫。如您欲拒絕宣傳廣告或行銷通知,您可利用本電子郵件(申請取消。
  4. 回覆客戶之詢問:針對您透過問題回報、電子郵件、郵件、傳真、簡訊、電話或其他任何直接間接連絡方式向本平台所提出之詢問進行回覆。
  5. 對於各別服務提供者之資訊提供:平台使用者或會員對服務提供者之商品或勞務為購買、參加贈獎活動或申請其他交易時,本平台於該交易所必要之範圍內,得將平台使用者或會員之個人資料檔案提供予服務提供者,並由服務提供者負責管理該個人資料檔案。本平台將以規約課予服務提供者依保障平台使用者或會員隱私權之原則處理個人資料之義務,但無法保證服務提供者會必然遵守。詳細內容,請向各別服務提供者洽詢。
  6. 其他業務附隨之事項:附隨於上述之利用方式而為本平台提供服務所必要之使用。
  7. 其他:提供個別服務時,亦可能於上述利用之方式以外,利用個人資料,此時將在該個別服務之頁面載明其要旨。或於依法行使、主張本平台之權利時(如訴訟上之攻擊防禦),亦可能於上述利用之方式外為利用。若有蒐集之目的以外之利用,亦將另外取得您的同意。


五、Data Protection

The host of this platform is equipped with security measures, and strict protection measures are implemented for the platform and your personal data. Only authorized personnel can access your personal data, and the relevant processing personnel have signed confidentiality agreements. Any violation of the confidentiality obligation will be subject to relevant legal penalties. However, although we take reasonable measures to protect your personal data, no security measure is completely foolproof. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your personal data.

六、Links to External Platforms:

This platform provides links to other websites, and you can also access other websites through the links provided on this platform. However, the privacy protection policy of this platform does not apply to those linked websites. You must refer to the privacy protection policy of the linked website.

七、Use of Cookies:

In order to provide you with the best service, this platform may place and access our cookies on your computer. If you do not wish to accept the writing of cookies, you can set the privacy level to high in the browser settings to reject the writing of cookies. However, this may result in certain functions of the platform not functioning properly.

八、Revision of Privacy Policy and Exercise of Rights by Individuals:

With changes in government regulations or market conditions, this platform may revise the privacy policy from time to time. If you have any questions regarding data protection or the privacy policy of this platform or if you wish to exercise the following rights under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act, you can contact this platform via email at

Except as required or limited by laws and regulations, you have the right to exercise the following rights under Article 3 of the Personal Data Protection Act. If you wish to exercise these rights, you can contact this platform to make the request:

  1. Inquire about or request access to personal data. However, this platform may charge necessary costs in accordance with the law, and this will be provided to you in advance.
  2. Request the making of copies. However, this platform may charge necessary costs in accordance with the law, and this will be provided to you in advance.
  3. Request supplementation or correction.
  4. Request the cessation of collection, processing, or use.
  5. Request deletion.
九、Impact of Not Providing Personal Data:

You can choose whether or not to provide information and the completeness of the information provided. However, certain platform functions, services, or activities may require the use of the information provided by you. If you do not provide complete and accurate personal data, some platform functions, services, or activities may not be available. In that case, this platform will not be able to process your membership application or your eligibility to participate in related activities.

十、Disclosure and Transfer of Personal Data:
  1. We may share your personal data with our contractors or service providers (e.g., companies that help us deliver mail or complete orders). However, this is done on the condition that your personal data is protected and used securely.
  2. If, for example, our contractors or service providers are located outside Taiwan, we may also transfer your data to other regions and countries outside Taiwan where there may not be similar personal data protection laws as in Taiwan. We may also provide your data to DV companies and their subsidiaries or related companies located worldwide. In such cases, we will handle your personal data in accordance with the protection and security measures specified in this privacy statement and the relevant provisions of the personal data protection laws.

Except as described in this privacy statement or required by law, we will not disclose your personal data to third parties unless we obtain your consent or have informed you of this when collecting your personal data.

十一、Sale of Our Brands or Business:

In the event that our company sells one or more of its brands or a part of its business, we may or have transferred your personal data to individuals or companies acquiring that business. The individual or company must agree to take relevant protective measures when using or disclosing your personal data.


We are committed to protecting user personal information. However, if you voluntarily disclose various personal information online, such information may be collected or used by others, such as information from message discussions on the platform. Unless caused by our platform's negligence or factors beyond our control, we do not assume any guarantees, complaints, or assistance responsibilities regarding others obtaining personal information.

十三、Third-Party Analytics Services or Tools:

If this site uses third-party analytics services or tools (such as Google Analytics or Facebook Pixel), they will be implemented according to the specifications announced by each platform.

十四、Google Analytics Advertising Features:

This platform service has implemented Google Analytics advertising features. This feature is only used to provide analysis of advertising effectiveness and optimize user experience on this platform. If you wish to disable Google Analytics advertising features, it is recommended that you refer to the information provided by Google on how to opt-out of this service (please refer to the following link:

十五、Users Outside Taiwan:

This platform primarily conducts business operations in Taiwan, and therefore, the operational and management policies of this platform are based on the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). If you use our services from outside Taiwan (including Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu), it signifies your agreement to the processing of personal information in accordance with the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan). In the event of any dispute, you agree to the jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Additionally, you should understand that Taiwan's regulations on personal data may differ from those in other countries, and therefore, we may not be able to provide you with the same rights and legal protections as your home country.